How Do I Place An Order?
Explore our site, find the product(s) you want, add those products to your cart and continue to the secure check out process.
Payment & Shipping
Once payment is received and verified, the product or products will be shipped. Typically all products are shipped with 3-5 days. At this point we only ship domestically to all 50 States.
Secure Ordering & Payment Options
All transactions are secured with SSL protocol. Using SSL helps to encrypt the information so that the card details and all other sensitive data is protected. We do not sell any information to 3rd party sites.
Returns & Refunds
All products are warranted from manufacturing defects. Returns and refunds will be considered on a case by case basis.
Wholesale Pricing
Interested in carrying our products in your Store? Contact us at: Sales@inkcovered.com
Thank you for shopping with us!